Surname  *
Name  *
Affiliation  *
Address  *
Postal Code *
0 (Max. 5 Characters)
City  *
Country  *
Phone *
    E-mail *
    Social Insurance Number (Codice fiscale)
    VAT Number (Partita IVA)

    Declaration (Autocertificazione)*
    Medical Doctor
    Medical Student

    Only for medical students: upload a photo of your "Student Medical ID badge"
    Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files

    Only for Italians (Solo per italiani)

    PEC (obbligatoria se non si ha il codice ID Destinatario)
    Codice ID Destinatario

    Notes (Note) 

    Registration fees (Quote d'iscrizione)*
    ICMART Members
    Non Members
    Medical Student

    Currently it's not possible to participate in the Gala Dinner because it's sold out. If there is the possibility and you are interested in participating  contact us at

    Privacy *
    Complete the registration(completa la registrazione)